What is Denial of Service(DoS) ?

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is a type of cyber attack in which a malicious actor aims to render a computer or other device unavailable to its intended users by interrupting the device’s normal functioning. DoS attacks typically function by overwhelming or flooding a targeted machine with requests until normal traffic is unable to be processed, resulting in denial-of-service to addition users. A DoS attack is characterized by using a single computer to launch the attack.

How does DoS works?


The primary focus of a DoS attack is to oversaturate the capacity of a targeted machine, resulting in denial-of-service to additional requests. The multiple attack vectors of DoS attacks can be grouped by their similarities.

DoS attacks typically fall in 2 categories:

Buffer overflow attacks

An attack type in which a memory buffer overflow can cause a machine to consume all available hard disk space, memory, or CPU time. This form of exploit often results in sluggish behavior, system crashes, or other deleterious server behaviors, resulting in denial-of-service.

Flood attacks

By saturating a targeted server with an overwhelming amount of packets, a malicious actor is able to oversaturate server capacity, resulting in denial-of-service. In order for most DoS flood attacks to be successful, the malicious actor must have more available bandwidth than the target.

How to prevent Denial of Service(DoS) ?

  • Buy more bandwidth
  • Build redundancy into your infrastructure
  • Configure your network hardware against DoS attacks
  • Deploy anti-DoS hardware and software modules
  • Deploy a DoS proctection appliance
  • Protect your DNS Servers



What is Spyware?


Spyware is software that aims to gather information about a person or organization, sometimes without their knowledge, that may send such information to another entity without the consumer’s consent, that asserts control over a device without the consumer’s knowledge, or it may send such information to another entity with the consumer’s consent, through cookies.

Spyware is mostly used for the stealing information and storing Internet users’ movements on the Web and serving up pop-up ads to Internet users. Whenever spyware is used for malicious purposes, its presence is typically hidden from the user and can be difficult to detect. Some spyware, such as keyloggers, may be installed by the owner of a shared, corporate, or public computer intentionally in order to monitor users.

How does Spyware works?


Spyware works in different ways depending on the type. The most common methods of infecting a device with spyware include:

  • Remotely or physically installing the spyware on the intended device.
  • Downloading an app or software from a non-secure source.
  • Accessing pirated content online.
  • Connecting to non-secure internet connection or fake Wi-Fi networks.
  • Opening suspicious email attachments.

Once your device is infected with spyware, the user could obtain your device and personal information without your knowledge.

How to prevent Spyware?

  • Install An Antivirus Software
  • Don’t Click On or Download Anything Suspicious
  • Keep Your Device Updated
  • Only Connect To Secure Wi-Fi Networks
  • Utilize Spyware Removal Tools
  • Don’t Let Other People Use Your Devices




What is Pharming ?


Pharming is actually a type of phishing but with the absence of ‘the lure’. It involves a hacker infiltrating a computer system and installing malicious code that causes website traffic from the system to be redirected to bogus sites developed by the hacker. This is done without the victim’s knowledge or consent

How does Pharming works?


One of the techniques used in carrying out a pharming attack is the corruption of the DNS services on the computer system by malicious code known as DNS cache poisoning.

How to prevent Pharming?

  • Check the URL on sites you visit to make sure they’re correct
  • Use a trustworthy ISP and be smart about the websites you visit
  • Use security software to ensure the sites you visit are trustworthy



What is Phising?


Phishing is a cyber attack that uses disguised email as a weapon. The goal is to trick the email recipient into believing that the message is something they want or need — a request from their bank, for instance, or a note from someone in their company — and to click a link or download an attachment.

How Phising works ?

The attackers spoof their email address so it looks like it’s coming from someone else, set up fake websites that look like ones the victim trusts, and use foreign character sets to disguise URLs.


How to prevent Phishing ?

  • Always check the spelling of the URLs in email links before you click or enter sensitive information
  • Watch out for URL redirects, where you’re subtly sent to a different website with identical design
  • If you receive an email from a source you know but it seems suspicious, contact that source with a new email, rather than just hitting reply
  • Don’t post personal data, like your birthday, vacation plans, or your address or phone number, publicly on social media



What is Email Spoofing?


Email spoofing is the creation of email messages with a forged sender address.

Because the core email protocols do not have any mechanism for authentication, it is common for spam and phishing emails to use such spoofing to mislead or even prank the recipient about the origin of the message

How Email Spoofing Works ?

Email spoofing can be easily achieved with a working Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server and mailing software like Outlook or Gmail. Once an email message is composed, the scammer can forge fields found within the message header such as the FROM, REPLY-TO and RETURN-PATH addresses. After the email is sent, it will appear in the recipient’s mailbox that appears to come from the address that was entered.

Tip to Prevent Email Spoofing

1.Change password regulary

2.Report to Internet Service Provider

3.Enable Sender Filtering

4.Download Exchange Tool to see your is safe or healthy




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